Friday, October 19, 2007



The recent dastardly activities of the activists of fanaticism and slaves of unchanging dogmas slaughtered hope .The crocodile tears of the fame mongers and brain weavers were of no hope.

This lament was once published a few years ago, and numb is my wit to pen anything anew. Hence this repetition:

The invincible wheel of time rolled over the values we held high.

The greedy vultures hovered over to feast on the throbbing remnants

The rumbling clouds grumbled in the eastern dark

The setting sun has painted blood with a vengeance, in the western sky

The evil spirits are dancing in an unholy revelry-spiritual vapidity.

The roaring sea rolled her waves with writhing agony, in the laps of the land

The mother earth is weeping silent, with the eyes set beyond the stars

Should we lament like the disillusioned rebel,

“Farewell hope --------------“

Ah! My grip is lost on the greasy straw of hope.

Adios optimism.

It is time for another ‘Avatar’




The history of the Biocosm undoubtedly reveals the fact that our ‘living planet’ rejects the living species, who falls short of the requisites or who misbehaves – posing a threat to the ecosystem or interrupting the feed back loop.

Examples are aplenty. The great lizards; Dinosaurs ruled the world for 180 million years (an impressive period of time) to become extinct around 70 million years ago.

The, so presumed, more evolved hominid. Australo pithecus, appeared on the planet only 4 million years ago to remain on the face of the earth for a short span of 2.5 million years. Later, hominids of better intelligence (?) like Homo habilis, H. erectus, H. neanderthalis emerged for short periods, to get extinct in a couple of million years. All of them belong to our genera. We humans are scientifically known as Homo sapiens meaning the ‘wise man’.

The modern man (Homo sapiens) appeared only 250000 years ago. How recently! Unfortunately we are unreasonably conceited - deplorable ignorance!

(It was James Lovelock, an atmospheric chemist, while working as a consultant in NASA, proposed the idea that the planet Earth as a whole is a living, self-organizing system. This theory is known as ‘Gaia theory”.)

The mounting evidences are putting into test and challenging, the widely accepted ‘Neo Darwinian’ theory of evolution, which is based on the concept of natural selection through the survival of the fittest by competition. But, according to Margulis (a microbiologist who had done extensive research on microorganisms) the impetus of evolution is not competition but co-operation. This theory is known as ‘Symbiogenesis’.

Lamark, who proposed the theory of evolution for the first time, postulated that there is an innate nature in every living being to get evolved.

Mankind is only a test specimen of the Cosmos, which could stop to exist or become extinct in a short span of time. We should be very happy if we are, at the least, a link to a higher form (superman?) or play the role of an ancestor. But the way the things go, the prospect looks very bleak – molesting the environment with total disregard and disrespect to the mother Earth. We are accelerating to the end point of our existence. As we have named Homo habilis (skillful man) the future species may rename us as ‘Homo foolish’ (‘foolish man’ instead of ‘wise man’)

When are we going to stop playing God? Mankind may be an ultra short passing business of the Cosmos.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Opinions on chastity; most of them are either partisan or psedo intellectual and never scientific.
Afterall why chastity?
 Half jokingly and half seriously my friend proclaimed “Chastity is lack of
opportunity”. For
the layman it is a rhyming joke. But, it set me thinking “Why Chastity?'

The thinking wheel started rolling bringing out a few facts of life-pleasant
and not so
In all living beings the purpose of sex is reproduction
Sex is a pleasure-full experience
If sex was not pleasurable there would not have been any propagation of
Man has expanded the purpose of sex to pleasure as well. (Procreation is a
for the creation of life – another rhyming satire)
Variety is the spice of pleasure – why deny it to the women on the name of
Chastity means sticking on to one partner.
Male is stronger than female in all mammals and dimorphism is more
pronounced in
lower forms.
In all mammals including humans the society is male dominated – least in
Chastity is given a moral code and imposed on women by the society –
In primitive societies the strongest male (the leader) keeps a harem.
(Polygamy is kingly and polyandy is prostitution! undoubtedly – male
In humans, the leader need not be physically strong or sexually attractive.
depends on multitude of factors. This along with other factors of cultural
evolution paved
the way for male-female coupling inside the society – viz. marriage.
The urge for variety(based on curiosity an innate nature inherited from the ape and evolved to research in man) made both men and women to sneak.
Survival of the fittest is the Darwinian norm.
Humans have expanded it to the prettiest too.
Prettiness is considered an external manifestation of fitness and brightness
Reproduction is the only way to propagate the gene.
Propagating the gene is the main purpose of life (Selfish Gene –Richard
For women, who ever seeds, half of the child is her genes.
For man there is no way to know that his wife has conceived his child (DNA
scrutiny being
unnatural, doesn’t appeal to emotions and heart).
Poor male, he can ensure the propagation of his gene by ensuring the
chastity of his
Man insists on chastity of his woman because of his helplessness (no way to
know) and
natural reasons (urge to propagate) and not because of chauvinism.
 vm 10-09-2007.

Monday, October 8, 2007

village/home sickness

From a village at the valley of a hill in kerala (god's own country) in India a person went to the desert to work. On a sleepless night at wee hours being home sick, he sat up and wrote
'' The star studded azure sky at the yonder,
With an adolescent mind I stand aghast and wonder,
The occasional cooing of the birds breaking the solem silence ,
Hanging in the air and around is the devine presence,
The distant rumble of the cascade deepens the stillness,
The cool air caressing my soul into calmness,
The solitary light far out in the river getting cradled,
The shooting star at the backdrop for a moment flickered
How i yearn to be back at home,
The only abode from where solace can come.